Tuesday, February 17, 2009

95 Days

Amanda and I are getting married in 95 days!

What a huge gap! It has been almost a year and a half since my last update. I'm pretty sure there are only about 2 people that stumble onto my blog once every few months now.

I guess I could get a few more hits if I included searchable buzz words like "Obama" or "Stock Market", but I guess I'm not really concerned about inviting the world to read about what I think today and then search back into my archives to discover how messed up I felt a few years ago. (Although perhaps I already have because of my little example there)

My blog is for me, really. Me and Amanda, whom I write about in almost every post. Amanda and I gave a talked titled "Dating Dynamics" at Alpha Omega last Thursday. I didn't feel like I came up with anything very profound, we just talked about our 7 years and 9 months of dating... all of the struggle and joy that we experienced during that time, how God now plays a major role in our lives as our rock and foundation, and how we are happy now. Our old blog entries helped us remember the events that brought the pain and the events that brought healing and new found faith... but besides that use, it isn't always fun to read and relive those moments.

I'm not sure what to do with this blog anymore. I do have some interest in keeping it up... but I don't think I want those old entries there any more. I also found that I screwed up my blog account by linking to an email address when Google took over blogger. The problem is that I don't use that email address and I can't link my current address to this account (or maybe I just don't know how).

I think I would like to recreate this blog as a way for Amanda and I to co-write about ourselves as we become a new family. I'd like to be able to post pictures and videos for friend and family to see. Maybe it won't be a part of this particular blog any more though?

I really like to integrate. I love to use Gmail along with Google calendar and other applications and I like having everything linked together... in the ideal situation that Google imagined when they created this system. The problem I've encountered, though, is that in my haste to use these things in the past... I have random unlinked accounts that I'd like to integrate, but I probably need to start fresh with a new account.... I guess this blog is the last hanging piece.

I can't believe I'm getting married in 95 days! I don't think about it much, but I know this life changing event will blow me away when the day comes. I can't wait!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Busy Summer

Every summer I plan a ton of projects because it's summer and there should be plenty of time right?

Every summer I find myself busier than I was during the school year.

This summer has been pretty cool. I'm interning at a company called dphilms and getting a lot of great production experience. I'm also working with my friends on a new film company in Madison called BackflipFilms. I am quite excited about it's potential and I couldn't be happier with the group of guys I'm working with.

I really have no clue where all of this is going to lead me. I can see so many possible opportunities right now that I'm just overwhelmed by it so I continue to try to put my trust in God and have faith that He will lead me in the right direction. It will undoubtedly be great!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

In like a lion...

March came in like a lion, and somehow reminded me to break the 3 month break from blogging. Apparently google went ahead and bought blogger too, so I guess I'll be upgrading soon.

Google is buying everything. It makes me anxious when I think about things like that because I want to start a business. I mean really. Really I do, seriously totally want to start a business. But how the crap does one go about such a thing? I mean every business started somewhere, from the ground up. I guess I wonder sometimes if that will continue to happen, or if corporate giants like google with keep buying up little companies thereby increasing the barrier to entry.

Sometimes I feel like a little kid dreaming... my grandios plans of starting a production company and turning it into a job for myself. I guess I just have to continue to have faith that something will work out and maybe someday I can run a small film company. or maybe a large one? I think the hardest thing is finding someone to do that with you. I mean, I don't want to pry anyone away from their "real, adult, serious, stable" future job. It just frustrates me when I see how we've been shaped to think about working and making money and living our lives. I really want to reach people.

We've been entering lots of contests recently on our youtube account in hopes that we could win some cash prize or break through into the public spotlight. I think my entire motivation for doing this is just for security. I struggle with God so much. I just want to know the answers. I want to know that things will work out for me. I want to know what I will be doing 5 years from now. And God just won't give up the answer yet... I know that He will, but I struggle to be patient. I feel like if we could get some recognition for our films, then we could really make things that matter. I don't know, I guess I'm just feeling so small in a world where dorks can chat at their webcam everyday and have a huge fan base on youtube in the thousands.

Final though... I really feel called to serve God and his people in a bigger way. I don't know how and when but I feel like He has huge plans and I pray that I have the knowledge and courage to follow His lead.

Peace out

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Finally a Post

The last lecture before I leave for Thanksgiving break... what a waste of time. I'm making a trade of this lecture's notes for a bunch of notes from lectures I missed, so I guess that's worth something. Thanksgiving break will fulfill a much needed rest. Unfortunately, I won't be able to totally rest because I've got a couple film projects to do over the break... but still, it'll be nice.

I was going to leave one more audio blog a few weeks ago cause they discontinued the service on Nov. 1, but I forgot to to that so I guess you'll just have to read my thoughts. (Although I was thinking it might be fun to leave a video blog sometime) While I'm talking about blogs I might as well address my extended absence from the blog scene. I'm not sure... I guess it may be that I'm not alone as much this year? I guess I blogged a lot last year cause I was often sitting around at my house alone and rather that talking to no one, I'd talk to my computer (or someone that would read my blog at a later time)

I'm not sure why, but I just don't feel inspired to write in this blog as much anymore. Maybe that's a good thing?

Amanda is so great. She came to Madison last night and is going to come to Bettendorf with Liz and I for Thanksgiving. It'll will be a lot of fun! Recently, Amanda, Aaron, and I filmed a music video for a contest for the song "So Cold I Could See My Breath" by Emery. I'm really excited about it and I feel like we really accomplished something awesome with this movie.

Anyway, I think that's enough for now. Here's a quick shout out to Amanda, Emilee, Heather, Tony, and Petey for being most likely to stumble onto this new post first even though I haven't posted in a while. Peter, that beatboxing guy in your blog is really cool... (p.s. do you know where my first film for the mayville film festival is? "A Summer Day")

peace out

Friday, October 06, 2006

Check it out!

Peter Simon's blog "Blogs are so 2005"

Monday, September 04, 2006

School totally snuck up on me.

I mean, I knew it was coming up soon... and I've been excited for it to begin, but "BAM"... Tuesday is the first day of classes. I don't have a clue where this weekend went. Tomorrow has a chance of saving me, but since it's labor day, nothing will be open so I can't run errands or anything. I guess I was just hit with a dose of stress tonight.

Worship Band
Video for Alpha Omega
Engraving Shop
School Books (read course packet soon!)
Volunteer Work

...amoung other things.

Come on Monday... be good to me... dead on... dead on...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Jesus take the wheel?

So this comes from the idea that we are in a car with Jesus and rather than just letting him navigate... we actually let him take the wheel and lead us in the right direction. But how's this for an analogy:

Jesus and I are on a way to a party. He knows the way. I've got a general idea 'cause I Googled it earlier. We take off in two seperate vehicals; Jesus leads the way and I follow in my car close behind. No one can drive my car for me. I've got to do it myself, but Jesus can lead the way.

Sometimes Jesus turns off the freeway onto a frontage road and I say to myself, "Jesus, come on. What are we doing over here winding around these little roads hitting stop signs?" Just about then, I look over and see the freeway is all torn up because of construction. Traffic is at a stand-still. No way could I have known about the construction from Google. Jesus is stopped at the stop sign in front of me pointing and giving me a thumbs up as if to say, "Oh yeah, I'm good".

Other times I think Jesus is going a little too slow for my taste and I take the lead for a bit. Normally, I immediately get lost but luckily, Jesus is there with me to get back on track. Jesus kind of rolls his eyes at me, but he wants me to come to the party with him, so we continue.

Sometimes I get tired of driving and don't feel like continuing, but then I remember that Jesus' dad set this party up and it's going to totally rock. I want to go and I know that if I don't follow Jesus, I'm never going to find this place.

But sometimes I just plain zone out, don't pay attention to where I'm driving, barely avoid some accidents and then snap out of it and say to myself, "Woh! Jesus, I almost lost ya for a minute there." Inattentive driving can be very dangerous and if you crash, you could be done.