Tuesday, February 17, 2009

95 Days

Amanda and I are getting married in 95 days!

What a huge gap! It has been almost a year and a half since my last update. I'm pretty sure there are only about 2 people that stumble onto my blog once every few months now.

I guess I could get a few more hits if I included searchable buzz words like "Obama" or "Stock Market", but I guess I'm not really concerned about inviting the world to read about what I think today and then search back into my archives to discover how messed up I felt a few years ago. (Although perhaps I already have because of my little example there)

My blog is for me, really. Me and Amanda, whom I write about in almost every post. Amanda and I gave a talked titled "Dating Dynamics" at Alpha Omega last Thursday. I didn't feel like I came up with anything very profound, we just talked about our 7 years and 9 months of dating... all of the struggle and joy that we experienced during that time, how God now plays a major role in our lives as our rock and foundation, and how we are happy now. Our old blog entries helped us remember the events that brought the pain and the events that brought healing and new found faith... but besides that use, it isn't always fun to read and relive those moments.

I'm not sure what to do with this blog anymore. I do have some interest in keeping it up... but I don't think I want those old entries there any more. I also found that I screwed up my blog account by linking to an email address when Google took over blogger. The problem is that I don't use that email address and I can't link my current address to this account (or maybe I just don't know how).

I think I would like to recreate this blog as a way for Amanda and I to co-write about ourselves as we become a new family. I'd like to be able to post pictures and videos for friend and family to see. Maybe it won't be a part of this particular blog any more though?

I really like to integrate. I love to use Gmail along with Google calendar and other applications and I like having everything linked together... in the ideal situation that Google imagined when they created this system. The problem I've encountered, though, is that in my haste to use these things in the past... I have random unlinked accounts that I'd like to integrate, but I probably need to start fresh with a new account.... I guess this blog is the last hanging piece.

I can't believe I'm getting married in 95 days! I don't think about it much, but I know this life changing event will blow me away when the day comes. I can't wait!


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