the spring break

I suppose it's time to update.
Funny that I don't update as much when I have nothing to do... but I guess it's because I don't really have much to write about, but...
I have SO MUCH to write about,
to sing about,
to dance about,
to talk about,
to smile about.
I'm convinced that my life is one of the great love stories cause I'm definitely feelin' loved right now. If you think you're a part of that... you're probably right and so this is thank YOU.
I'd much rather get right up in your face and explain this, so if you're curious... please ask. It'll be much better with facial expressions.
Also... a Latino told me "The only path worth following is your dreams, otherwise you are nothing". Ha ha! I don't know what to take from that but I know it means something.
Crap John,
I don't want to have to get a job, or mainly I want to live where I want and not depending on where i get a job.
Ok. I just got it, we. live somewhere. and make movies.
ok maybe that idea has comeup before, we need to get a solid base of awesome movies to build from.
meet me in houston in 4 hours
Aaron! Dang... my jet's in the shop and I'm supposed to be in Houston in 1 hour...
We're gonna have to schedule another time. I'll call our clients.
you guys are so FUNNY! i love it!
john, i'm excited for these facial expressions - they'd better be good! yeah, spring break sucks... next year, we HAVE to go somewhere warm and fun... and you guys can make a movie! while we're down there (wherever it is that we go)... so you're in, right? good!
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