
I laugh so others don't have to cry. I can be strong for them because it's so hard to be strong. Why would I possibly want to make them shoulder my problems? They have their own. I debate and mediate without emotion. Logic and reason are my tools. Is God trying to tell me that logic and reason cannot always be trusted? He created the earth from clay... less than clay actually: nothing. What logic is this? God defys reason and so, does his most precious gift to us (love) also defy reason and logic? God, I think I'm ready to throw my hands up and let go of my reason and logic... catch me when I fall Lord. For You are the one that will shoulder my problems and You are the one that asked me to offer them up. And Lord, when I give them to you... please take them all, because I don't want to ask anyone else to carry the burden. It's so hard to be strong Lord. I laugh so others don't have to cry.
Write another blog entry....I don't like this sad one :(
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