What is it about that girl?

The only thing on my mind right now is a heavy sigh.
I guess that's not completely true, cause the reason that heavy sigh is there is Amanda. She came to visit me this weekend. She ran extra workouts so she could get off of soccer practice on Friday to come and surprise me on Thursday. Then she tried to organize a surprise party for me on Friday night that didn't really work real well, but it was sweet just the same.
The things she does to make me happy! She had to take the 5:30 bus back to Milwaukee today. The weekends never feel long enough, but I still love getting to see her.
So now I'm 20. I guess that means I'm not a teenager anymore. I don't know if that's really sunk in yet or if it ever will sink in. I'm an adult. Young adult yes, but adult just the same. Now I know that 18 I was supposedly an adult but that's still teenage years. The phrase "stupid teenagers" no longer applies to me. What's really gonna be a mind job is when I finish college... but I have 2 years before I have to worry about that.
Happy Birthday Darling! I'm glad you like it and miss you already.
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