Not So Deep

Some blogs are deep and provoke haunting or enchanting thoughts that you can ponder for hours on end. Not this post though! This one here should be right on the surface. It's raining. I'm tired. I slept through my alarm and missed a class. Last night I had crazy dreams. Amanda had some other boyfriend that didn't treat her well and I had a huge paper to write and I didn't know the topic. Today has been a flop so far. Some days feel like you're not actually experiencing that day, but just watching it. You don't know why you skipped Biology, but you did. You figure you'd get more out of reading the book, but you don't read the book. I'll send something in the mail to Amanda. I am lost in thought too deep to post right now. Peace out.
"Some blogs are deep and provoke haunting or enchanting thoughts that you can ponder for hours on end. Not this post though!"
Uhm... seems that this post was quite deep. I know you didn't mean to make it so, but I know exactly what you are talking about watching yourself go through a day. Awesome.
You are so cute....*sigh Why aren't you my boyfriend? Wait....:) Yay!
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