Sunday, January 22, 2006

For Emilee, wherever I may find her

So the title of this blog is a Simon and Garfunkel song but mostly it's because Emilee told me to write in my blog cause she reads it a lot. I know you read it too Amanda =) !

I guess I haven't written in my blog in a while because I haven't had anything depressing to write but I should really write and tell you all how happy I am.

I think I finally figured out that I want to major in genetics... and then possibly major in film as a second major (yeah, I know they don't really go together but whatever...). I'm also pretty sure I figured out what it means to trust in God. I am also convinced that I have the best girlfriend on the planet. I have no idea how I got so lucky but I thank God everyday for this amazing relationship. I also thank God for all of you... you know who you are... my friends. You're all awesome whether you're farting, kicking me in the shin, telling me that I don't match... it doesn't matter, plain and simple.... nice job everyone. (haha! I like the way I said nice job) And oh yeah, my parents are actually getting cooler and last but certainly not least (or youngest) is Liz. Nice work getting where you are Liz, and keep your head up... and remember your accents. =)

Next time we are going to make a movie we should think about filming something. Jk, but not really. I'm tired.